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The Woodbrook Pentecostal Church has embarked on the construction of a  multi-purpose complex. This became necessary because of the poor and quickly deteriorating state of the previous structure also its qualitative and quantitative inadequacies and the need to facilitate an expanding range of new functions now being performed by the church.

The Project will also ensure that the Church meets its commitment to convene high quality training programmes to equip members for positions of leadership in the home, church, society and nation and to introduce exchange programmes which will allow visiting Ministries to share and impart truth.

The Church Complex would be approximately 47,000 square feet, and would contain, among other things: a Church auditorium seating approximately 2,500 persons, which will include mezzanine and balcony seating; 5 dedicated conference rooms; beautiful rooftop ambience for social events; smart building technology concept; basement parking; state of the art electronic systems; a three level administrative annex at the rear; and video and audio production facilities. At ultimate completion, the building will have the capacity to stream live, church services and other activities around the world.

Construction of the complex started in March 2003, but has proceeded slowly because of financial challenges, among other things. To date the following were completed: 90% of excavation, 75% of foundations, 81% of the retaining wall and 78 % of the footings. A pictorial impression of the progress with the construction could be gleaned from the following pictures of work on the site.


Woodbrook Pentecostal Church

https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2Fwpc-building-fund-project&h=ATOzCVCihQaDsdAWvU0Fnw3Z2yj8IpEvFe6vqQ4l0eSSYq5bcPsc-U9uRVWj6rO_B8DjNzYj_BsCmbfrp4Tm7ZVm9ZObx7dUIKzL_89UmzcfyBgoBrGbSOu2m5k8r9UQu9-ohNWLsUQnuadriwThe Woodbrook Pentecostal Church focuses on building whole, valuable individuals who are passionate about sharing God’s love with others. Family and community are important to us. We would like to expand our ministry to reach many more hearts and to impact their lives not just spiritually, but in every way.At the Woodbrook Pentecostal Church, we are very honoured to have been nurtured by many giants in the faith including Reverend Turnel Neslon. His wife Reverend Jocelyn Nelson shares his legacy of faithful service as she continues in ministry, co-pastoring with our beloved Reverends Osbert and Angela Williams.We know that the message of Jesus Christ is far reaching and we want to take the message of His love to the four corners of the earth. To do this, we are constructing a larger facility. This facility is not just a building. It will be our base of operations as we work to touch the lives of the many which we hope to reach. It will also be a place of refuge and solitude. A place where those who are weary may find rest.Although our facility is not yet complete, we plan to occupy it very soon but we need your help. We would like to invite you to partner with us. We may not raise all the funds needed to complete construction, but we hope to raise enough to allow us to move in and begin functioning out of our new Headquarters. You play an important role in our vision to bring love, peace and hope to the nations of the earth, one life at a time. Your support no matter how small would go a long way in helping us reach this goal.

Posted by Woodbrook Pentecostal Church on Friday, January 26, 2018

Progress in the building has been achieved primarily through the consistent and sacrificial giving of church members, with some support from affiliated churches and one businessman. The church members continue to support the project financially, but for it to be a success in a reasonable time frame we would need the financial support of the Church Universal. If you are willing to support the project remittances can be made directly to the following bank accounts:

  • Account number 02L13080762 at the Republic Bank, Promenade Centre (for deposits in United States dollars)
  • Account number 090766645802 at the Republic Bank, Promenade Centre (for deposits in Trinidad and Tobago)

Let us work together as co-labourers in the work of the Kingdom, “Knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ” Col.3:24).



The work of the Lord through the Woodbrook Pentecostal Church critically needs your weekly financial support of tithes, and offerings such as building, benevolence, missions, and others, now just as you have faithfully done in the past. As many as have or can obtain the facility of online banking, please use it just as if you were attending a service and contributing.

Our office is also open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday – for your convenience, if you wish to visit to make your contributions.

Banking Information remains:

Republic Bank Limited –

1. Tithes and offering Account  – #090766645801 or

     Building Account –                  #090766645802.

2. Online transfers, standing orders, salary withdrawal, wire transfer, Moneygram, Western Union options remain.

IMPORTANT: Present a copy of the bank slip record with instructions to WPC office when possible for proper accounting.

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