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Women of the Word is an important part in the life of the local Assembly and caters chiefly for the unique needs of all women with programs and activities geared towards education, edification and evangelization.


  1. Help women become more purposeful, striving for excellence and fulfilling their God-given responsibilities in every sphere of life.
  2. To be Nation builders thus encouraging women to be involved in National life and issues.

Meetings are held once per month from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Opportunities are given for women to display their talents and abilities. Practical sessions on Health & Nutrition, Grooming, Home Management, Home Improvement and other related topics are also conducted as well as Ministry of the Word of God.

Social activities are an intrinsic aspect of the department. Tea parties, picnics, fashion shows, dinners and visits to other groups are some of the social activities involved. As we seek to reach out to the Nation, we engage in holding conferences, retreats and other activities.

Departmental Aims:

  1. To help each woman to understand who she is in God and to maintain an ongoing vibrant relationship with Him.
  2. To help each woman to recognize her giftings both naturally and spiritually.
  3. To create opportunities and avenues which would enable each woman to maximize her giftings and fulfill God’s purpose for her life.
  4. To teach each woman how to fully appreciate herself and how to build healthy relationships with others.
  5. To educate women to understand and fulfill their roles naturally and spiritually.
  6. To motivate women to become actively involved in fulfilling the great commission through Missions & Evangelism.
  7. To sharpen the Leadership skills and abilities of each woman.
  8. To be a strong support base for prayer and intercession in the local Church.
  9. To reach out to women in every sphere of society and to minister to their needs at community, national and global levels.

To motiviate women to take their role in Nation building, e.g., Teachers, Lawyers, Politicians, Doctors.

Posted by Woodbrook Pentecostal Church on Saturday, May 26, 2018

Posted by Woodbrook Pentecostal Church on Saturday, May 26, 2018

Welcome to our Women's conference

Posted by Woodbrook Pentecostal Church on Saturday, August 10, 2019


The work of the Lord through the Woodbrook Pentecostal Church critically needs your weekly financial support of tithes, and offerings such as building, benevolence, missions, and others, now just as you have faithfully done in the past. As many as have or can obtain the facility of online banking, please use it just as if you were attending a service and contributing.

Our office is also open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday – for your convenience, if you wish to visit to make your contributions.

Banking Information remains:

Republic Bank Limited –

1. Tithes and offering Account  – #090766645801 or

     Building Account –                  #090766645802.

2. Online transfers, standing orders, salary withdrawal, wire transfer, Moneygram, Western Union options remain.

IMPORTANT: Present a copy of the bank slip record with instructions to WPC office when possible for proper accounting.

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